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Let grey reality fade away and your imagination take-over. Anything is possible. The world is yours, and Diligence Concierge Company can take you round it.

In the summer, the winter, the autumn, going South or North, there is always a place to visit with your family and your friends. Diligence CC is here to listen to you and organise that perfect trip.

A weeks hunting or fishing in the most exclusive lodges (Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana, South Africa, Zanzibar, Oman, the Seychelles Islands, Kazakhstan, Siberia, India, the Fiji Islands, the Bahamas, Alaska, Scotland, Corsica...).
Made-to-measure or even themed trips throughout the world (archaeology, ornithology, History, extreme expeditions, romantic trips, city breaks, relax time in a Hotel-Spa…).
A safari in Africa, Helicopter skiing in Chile, diving in a coral reef, Golf in Dubai, horse riding in Mongolia, 4x4-ing in Morocco…

EXCELLENCE The Very Private Company | georges@excellence-vpc.com

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